How Can You Prepare For the End of University?

by | Apr 19, 2017 | Students

The three or more years you spend at university go by all too fast. Before you know it, it’s over and it’s time to move back into your parents’ house. While you’ve still got a few months of exams, coursework and enjoying the student life left, now is a good time to start thinking about life after uni. So, how can you prepare for the end of your final year?

Sort Out Any Accommodation Issues

Don’t leave it till the last minute to report any issues you have in your house or flat. We want to make sure that you get your deposit back, and one way of ensuring this is by making sure you don’t leave any unreported issues for your landlord to find once you’ve left. Whether it’s a leaky tap or a loose light fitting, you should make sure that these things are reported so they can be fixed. If you’re in our student accommodation across Lancaster, we ask that you leave it this way to welcome all new students.

Start the Cleaning

After living in a student house for a year or more can mean some serious deep cleaning is needed when you move out! Instead of leaving it until the last few days of your tenancy when it will be a mad rush, why not start the cleaning efforts now so you can attack it a little bit at the time?

Unless you’ve already got something lined up or are taking some time out, you may be thinking about what you’re going to do for work when you graduate. Why not take some time to build and develop your CV so you can start applying straight away?

House Cleaning Products

Make Plans

Over the past few years, you may have made some great friendships that could last a lifetime. However, as you all prepare to graduate and go your separate ways, it can be easy to lose contact with each other. Why not make plans now to meet up after graduation so you can keep up with your university friends?

Return Library Books

If you have ever incurred a university library fine, you will know how hefty they can be! Make sure to dig around for any library books you forgot about and get them back to the library to avoid any fines at the end of term.

Enjoy Yourself!

Of course, this can be a stressful time as you prepare for exams and rush to get your dissertation finished, but make sure you take some time to take it all in and enjoy the last few months of your time at university.

It may seem like it’s still a way off, but before you know it, you’ll be graduating! If you’re in your final year, we’ve loved having you and we wish you the best of luck as you tackle your final exams and dissertations!

If you’re just getting started, remember that your student accommodation plays a huge part in your university experience, so why leave it to chance? Start looking at the properties we have listed online, and make sure to book a viewing once you find a property you like the look of!